
General Requirements

The marriage covenant, by which a man and a woman form with each other an intimate communion of life and love, has been founded and endowed with its own special laws by the Creator. By its very nature it is ordered to the good of the couple, as well as to the generation and education of children. Arrangements must be made at least 6 months before the desired wedding date for practicing Catholics. Inactive or non-practicing Catholics are expected to return to the practice of the faith for a period of at least three months before the wedding date will be considered. In all cases, participating in the Archdiocesan Marriage Preparation Program is required. Please contact the Parish Office to make arrangements for a wedding.

Parish Registration

We have two beautiful church buildings that are conveniently located in a nice part of the city. As a result we receive many, many requests for weddings. Preparing for a wedding is a very involved process and, on the part of the faith community, it is a commitment that demands a lot of time and energy, which we gladly expend for the members of our parish family. We normally do not celebrate weddings for those who are not registered members of St. Casimir at Canton and Patterson Park.

For those who have recently moved into the Patterson Park or Canton neighborhoods or for those who have not been attending Mass regularly, we have a three month period of initial commitment and “getting to know each other” before we set a firm date for the wedding. During this time, it is important to participate in the Sunday Liturgy on a weekly basis. We ask all members of the parish to use the collection envelopes to help support the Faith Community. This gives us an opportunity to have a record of one’s participation in the liturgies. This can be helpful later on when and if one needs a letter in order to serve as a godparent or sponsor.

Initial Contact

Please be sure to contact us as early as possible. You cannot call us too soon. The Archdiocese of Baltimore calls upon us to begin marriage preparation at least six months before the wedding date–one year prior to the desired date is preferred. Please call the parish office to obtain a hard copy of our wedding guidelines. After reading and accepting the guidelines, call the parish office to set up an appointment. Please do not finalize any plans with reception halls until the date and the time of your wedding is set with the parish